The Beatles, John Denver, Sir George Martin and now Max’s new novel,
In The Raven’s Shadow
Grammy & Emmy nominated writer and filmmaker, Max’s creative and editorial work in print, TV, film, radio, and music, has reached hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
Max is a multimedia storyteller—author, writer, producer, and director—who crafts entertaining and enlightening narratives that reflect a keen insight into the natural world and humanity’s relationship with it.
His stories engage by combining entertainment with thought-provoking content, uplifting people by giving them access to a deeper understanding of themselves and their world.
He has been published by Gannett, The New York Times, Family Circle Magazine, and Wildlife Conservation Magazine among others.
Lisa Tenner
Tenner & Associates

A member of the Writer’s Guild, In The Raven’s Shadow is his new novel. Maxim has been published by:
- The New York Times
- Philadelphia Inquirer
- Gannett
- Wildlife Conservation Magazine
- Family Circle Magazine
- Higher Ground
- Sony Music
- Wildlife!
- Compass Newspaper
- Children’s Aid Society
- Disney
- PBS Series, Soundbreaking, (On Record, The Soundtrack of Our Lives)
- A&E Television Special, Wildlife Concert
- Wildlife Crisis – feature film


The Making of Sergeant Pepper
(The Beatles) with Sir George Martin: Producer and Director of the multi-media production worldwide.

- Projects distributed by
- A&E
- Capitol
- On–air radio host, writer and producer for Off The Charts
This mystery adventure series tells the story of a young woman’s journey of self-discovery and the transformative power of the nature. In a world where Man’s relationship with the natural world is broken, Mallory enters a wilderness she cannot come back from. Her journey will come with a cost, one much more than just her own. Struggling to understand her heritage, she inadvertently opens a Pandora’s Box she cannot close. Unraveling her grandfather’s enigmatic life, Mallory faces the wilderness, armed with tales of an ancient creature that may hold the truth to her family’s mysterious past.
Angie Staheli is an award-winning writer, director, and professional actress. A Duke University TED talk alumnus, she is the writer and director of the acclaimed, multi-award-winning music play and film Finding Patience.
Resonates powerfully with three deeply engaged global markets